Saturday, April 12, 2014

User management system for codeigniter

User management system for codeigniter is a set of controllers, models and libraries for dealing with user registration, profiles and management in codeigniter.

Files and folders

application\config email.php contains settings for sending emails user_manager.php contains settings for the user manager

application\controllers main.php testing controller user_manager_controller.php user manager main controller

application\helpers um_helper.php helpers for user manager

application\hooks um_hook.php hook for reporting user activity to the database

application\language\english user_manager_lang.php localization

application\libraries user_manager.php User manager library

application\models um_users_model.php model

application\views\user_manager views edit_profile_form.php login_form.php profile.php register_form.php reset_form.php reset_pass_form.php um_msg.php

dps stores user uploaded profile pictures

pics stores user uploaded pictures (feature in development)


  1. Copy the content of each folder to your CI root folder.

  2. Go to autoload.php and make sure these settings are set. $autoload['libraries'] = array(‘database’,'form_validation’,'user_manager’,'session’); $autoload['helper'] = array(‘url’); $autoload['config'] = array(‘user_manager’); $autoload['language'] = array(‘user_manager’); $autoload['model'] = array(‘um_users_model’);

  3. User sessions are saved using the session library so you must set an encryption key. On config.php set $config['encryption_key'] = ‘some random stuff’;

  4. For security set $config['global_xss_filtering'] = true; on config.php

  5. Set up your database settings properly on database.php. The default dbprefix is ‘tbl_’ you may open the database.sql with a text editor and replace ‘tbl_’ with your own. Import the database.sql on to your database.

  6. Setup email settings on email.php to receive activation emails.

  7. On the routes.php add these lines $route['register'] = ‘user_manager_controller/register’; $route['activate'] = ‘user_manager_controller/activate’; $route['login'] = ‘user_manager_controller/login’; $route['logout'] = ‘user_manager_controller/logout’; $route['profile'] = ‘user_manager_controller/show_profile’; $route['editprofile'] = ‘user_manager_controller/edit_profile’; $route['resetpass'] = ‘user_manager_controller/reset_pass’; $route['reset'] = ‘user_manager_controller/reset’;

  8. To see if everything is working on routes.php set $route['default_controller'] = “main”; and load the site.

  9. If you’re installing in a subdirectory make sure you’ve changed the .htaccess file.

Adding your own registration fields

To add your own registration form fields:

1. Add the required columns to your database.

2. Add the new fields to the forms in view folder.

3. Open the user_manager_controller.php and edit the register() function and the edit_profile() function as needed.

4. Edit the $config['um_register_rules'] and $config['um_profile_rules'] in config/user_manager.php to reflect the new columns.

Email settings

Email sending method and other settings are in config/email.php. More email settings are on config/user_manager.php.

User status reporting

User manager can save the logged in user data to a table. The data is saved to the ‘tbl_loggedin_users’ table by default and can be accessed later.

1. To enable this feature you must enable hooks globally. On config.php make sure $config['enable_hooks'] = true; is set.

2. Put these lines on to the hooks.php /* hook for managing the logged in users table this maybe resource intensive if the site has too much traffic */ $hook['post_controller'] = array( ‘class’ => ‘Um_hook’, ‘function’ => ‘update_user_status’, ‘filename’ => ‘um_hook.php’, ‘filepath’ => ‘hooks’, ‘params’ => array() );

Logins older than a certain amount of time will be deleted from this table upon calling the hook. By default this is set to 15 minutes and can be changed at $config['um_login_timeout']=900; in config/user_manager.php.


User manager has a helper file called um_helper.php. This contains certain helpers that might be useful for re-populating data on forms.


User manager views can be localized to any language. Edit the application\language\english\user_manager_lang.php file to change the default strings or create your own language file.

Download User management system for codeigniter

User management system for codeigniter

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