User management system for codeigniter is a set of controllers, models and libraries for dealing with user registration, profiles and management in codeigniter.
Files and folders
application\config email.php contains settings for sending emails user_manager.php contains settings for the user manager
application\controllers main.php testing controller user_manager_controller.php user manager main controller
application\helpers um_helper.php helpers for user manager
application\hooks um_hook.php hook for reporting user activity to the database
application\language\english user_manager_lang.php localization
application\libraries user_manager.php User manager library
application\models um_users_model.php model
application\views\user_manager views edit_profile_form.php login_form.php profile.php register_form.php reset_form.php reset_pass_form.php um_msg.php
dps stores user uploaded profile pictures
pics stores user uploaded pictures (feature in development)
- Copy the content of each folder to your CI root folder.
- Go to autoload.php and make sure these settings are set. $autoload['libraries'] = array(‘database’,'form_validation’,'user_manager’,'session’); $autoload['helper'] = array(‘url’); $autoload['config'] = array(‘user_manager’); $autoload['language'] = array(‘user_manager’); $autoload['model'] = array(‘um_users_model’);
- User sessions are saved using the session library so you must set an encryption key. On config.php set $config['encryption_key'] = ‘some random stuff’;
- For security set $config['global_xss_filtering'] = true; on config.php
- Set up your database settings properly on database.php. The default dbprefix is ‘tbl_’ you may open the database.sql with a text editor and replace ‘tbl_’ with your own. Import the database.sql on to your database.
- Setup email settings on email.php to receive activation emails.
- On the routes.php add these lines $route['register'] = ‘user_manager_controller/register’; $route['activate'] = ‘user_manager_controller/activate’; $route['login'] = ‘user_manager_controller/login’; $route['logout'] = ‘user_manager_controller/logout’; $route['profile'] = ‘user_manager_controller/show_profile’; $route['editprofile'] = ‘user_manager_controller/edit_profile’; $route['resetpass'] = ‘user_manager_controller/reset_pass’; $route['reset'] = ‘user_manager_controller/reset’;
- To see if everything is working on routes.php set $route['default_controller'] = “main”; and load the site.
- If you’re installing in a subdirectory make sure you’ve changed the .htaccess file.
Adding your own registration fields
To add your own registration form fields:
1. Add the required columns to your database.
2. Add the new fields to the forms in view folder.
3. Open the user_manager_controller.php and edit the register() function and the edit_profile() function as needed.
4. Edit the $config['um_register_rules'] and $config['um_profile_rules'] in config/user_manager.php to reflect the new columns.
Email settings
Email sending method and other settings are in config/email.php. More email settings are on config/user_manager.php.
User status reporting
User manager can save the logged in user data to a table. The data is saved to the ‘tbl_loggedin_users’ table by default and can be accessed later.
1. To enable this feature you must enable hooks globally. On config.php make sure $config['enable_hooks'] = true; is set.
2. Put these lines on to the hooks.php /* hook for managing the logged in users table this maybe resource intensive if the site has too much traffic */ $hook['post_controller'] = array( ‘class’ => ‘Um_hook’, ‘function’ => ‘update_user_status’, ‘filename’ => ‘um_hook.php’, ‘filepath’ => ‘hooks’, ‘params’ => array() );
Logins older than a certain amount of time will be deleted from this table upon calling the hook. By default this is set to 15 minutes and can be changed at $config['um_login_timeout']=900; in config/user_manager.php.
User manager has a helper file called um_helper.php. This contains certain helpers that might be useful for re-populating data on forms.
User manager views can be localized to any language. Edit the application\language\english\user_manager_lang.php file to change the default strings or create your own language file.
Download User management system for codeigniter
User management system for codeigniter
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