In order to add a simple product in a Magento store, do the following:
- Enter the Magento admin panel
- Go to “Catalog” tab
- Then “Manage Products”
- Click the “Add Product” button
- Select your attribute set and product type
- Enter the product configuration page. Here you can setup the new product settings
- enter the product name
- the product description. It will display in the main section of the product page. The short description will display at the top of the product page and in category listings in list view.
- set your SKU. Magento uses SKU as a unique identifier for this product across all your stores and websites. SKU is global, meaning if you update the SKU for a product in one store, it will update in the rest of your stores as well.
- set the product weight.
- choose the manufacturer
- set the color
- enter the date range during which the product will be promoted as a new product.
- select the product status.
Using the “Visibility” option you can decide whether your product will display in the page(s) of its associated category(ies), display when your customer searches for the product, both or neither. It may be useful too.
On the prices page you can set your product prices. The price of your item as it will display in the front-end. If you have a special or discount, this will be the original price.
You can also enter a special price for this product. In the front-end, this will appear underneath the original price (referred to as regular price) that will be crossed out.
You can enter a date range within which the special price will be active. This price will apply automatically when the “From Date” arrives and deactivate automatically when the “To Date” arrives. If you leave this range blank, the special price will apply until you remove it.
The “Cost” field is for internal purposes and does not require a value.
The product tax class determines which tax rule will be used for this product and consequently the tax rate that your customers will be charged for.
The “Images” page allows you to upload images of your product.
- Click the “Browse Files” button
- Select the image that you want to upload
- Click the “Upload files” button
- Make sure that both the radio buttons are selected.
Using the design page you can specify the particular design for each particular product.
On the “Inventory” page you can: set the product quantity in stock. Make sure that you selected “In Stock” in this field because otherwise the product will be unavailable.
Up-sells are items that customers would ideally buy instead of the product they are viewing. They will appear in the “Related Products” menu at the top of the right column.
Cross-sells act a bit like impulse buys, such as magazines and candy at the cash register in grocery stores. Usually, they are items that a customer who is buying the product in question might enjoy.
7. After you finished setting up your product, click the “Save” button.
How to add a simple product in magento