Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How to move your website from one domain to another in ZenCart

Transferring your ZenCart application includes copying your files and database and modifying the two configure.php files in includes/ and admin/includes/ folders to work with the new server settings.

1. On your old host, make a complete backup of your database and store.

2. We recommend to use phpMyAdmin to export your entire database. Include the “DROP” tables command, and under Data, choose “Complete Inserts” and “Extended Inserts”.

3. Transfer all your ZenCart files to another hosting webserver.

4. On your new host, create a new MySQL database. Note the username, password, database name, and host name.

5. Go back to phpMyAdmin on your new server.

6. Click on the SQL tab across the top (or “Import” on newer phpMyAdmin configurations) and click Browse.

7. Select the SQL file which we’ve exported from your old database, and click Go.

8. Open configure.php files includes/ and admin/includes/ folders to change the server path and database details.

Note: you may need to change file permissions for configure.php file to make it writable. Make sure to change it back when you are done modifying.

9. The most important settings which should be modified in includes/configure.php are:

  1. HTTP_SERVER – you should set this to your domain name, e.g.

    define(‘HTTP_SERVER’, ‘’);


  2. DIR_WS_CATALOG – the relative path to your shop:

    define(‘DIR_WS_CATALOG’, ‘/shop/’);


  3. DIR_FS_CATALOG – the absolute path to your shop, e.g. /home/user/public_html/shop/:

    define(‘DIR_FS_CATALOG’, ‘/home/user/public_html/shop’);


  4. DB_SERVER – usualy localhost:

    define(‘DB_SERVER’, ‘localhost’);


  5. DB_SERVER_USERNAME – the username with privileges to access the shop database:

    define(‘DB_SERVER_USERNAME’, ‘user_zc1′);


  6. DB_SERVER_PASSWORD – the password for accessing the database:

    define(‘DB_SERVER_PASSWORD’, ‘zcpassword’);


  7. DB_DATABASE – the shop database:

    define(‘DB_DATABASE’, ‘user_zc1′);


  8. 10. In admin/includes/configure.php, along with the settings above, you should also modify:

    1. DIR_WS_ADMIN – the relative path to the admin folder:

      define(‘DIR_WS_ADMIN’, ‘/shop/admin/’);


    2. DIR_FS_ADMIN – the absolute path to the admin folder, e.g. /home/user/public_html/shop/admin/:

      define(‘DIR_FS_ADMIN’, ‘/home/user/public_html/shop/admin/’);


    How to move your website from one domain to another in ZenCart

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