Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Joomla. “Could not find an XML setup file…” error in joomla

This tutorial shows how to get rid the following error: Joomla:Error! Could not find an XML setup file in the package

- For Joomla 1.5 version

1. Make sure that you have unzipped template package you have downloaded. You should unzip template package like using WinZip (on Windows) or Stuffit (on Mac) software.

After unzipping the template package you will see Joomla folder.


Theme files are located in themeXXX folder, where XXX are actual theme numbers or zipped theme.


Please zip themeXXX folder if it is not zipped already and install it using Joomla extenshion manager.


2. Alternatively you can upload unziped themeXXX folder to templates folder of your Joomla using ftp or hosting file manager. After that it will appear in Template Manager.

- For Joomla 1.6 and higher versions

1. Make sure that you have unzipped template package you have downloaded. You should unzip template package like template_39012_n186I3fHqb2ddsx8zoxl6T using WinZip (on Windows) or Stuffit (on Mac) software.

After unzipping the template package you will see joomla folder. Find zipped theme folder like (XXX are actual theme numbers) and install it using Joomla extenshion manager.


2. Unzip (XXX are actual theme numbers) file and upload theme folder to templates folder of Joomla. After that you should go to Extensions-Extensions manager and open Discover tab. Click on Discover button, select theme and install it.

Joomla. “Could not find an XML setup file…” error in joomla

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